HCA Boys Basketball


  • Welcome to the Season!
    Coaches are pumped about the upcoming season and we are making plans to get us all off on the right track! Please be sure to review the schedule that was emailed out to the team. Please keep in mind that this is a very early schedule and is not yet complete and things may change as …
  • Creating Legacy
    As we have mentioned in previous communications and in our handbook, our focus is going to be on building Men of God and creating Legacy while being excellent at basketball. Over this summer and school year, each young man is going to be equipped to create Legacy by learning 7 core competencies and having an …
  • Program Mission and Focus
    The coaches have been hard at work with some clarifications and focus for the basketball program.  The About page on this website outlines our program’s guiding principal and serves as a draft handbook so everyone is on the same page moving forward. A few additional comments: Our focus is to help your boys grow into …